About Us

Meet the team! A wonderful set of specialists that would do everything to get you back into flow.

Santiago Martínez

START Fellow 24' BSc Biomedical Engineering, CEO

Mateo Castelblanco

Biomedical Engineering, MSc Biomedical Engineering, COO

Germán Reyes

Biomedical Engineering, MSc Biomedical Engineering, CTO

Our advisor comittee

Check out our team of advisors that help us to take this solution to the real world.  

Santiago Sánchez

START Fellow 22', MSc Bioengineering Innovation an Design in Johns Hopkins University

Miguel Vanegas

Business Administrator and angel investor.

Tom Scheub

Occupational Therapist at Barrow Neurological Institute - Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center.

Yannick Frank

Entrepreneur and START mentor.

Roman Ortega

Business Development and START mentor.

Juan David Sánchez

Designer with emphasis on product design.

David Bigio

Department Dean - Biomedical Engineering at University of the Andes.

Claudia Moreno

Neurologist & Vice President of the Colombian Association of Neurology.

Georg Kägi

Designer with emphasis on product design.